Dear Mimi,

your letter arrived in my mailbox, just as i came back into my room after a messy fight with my mom. Misunderstanding, screaming, sitting on the floor crying, feeling like two people talking at each other, not to each other et cetera et cetera… I read your letter and it just resonate with me so much, something like right thing right time. Just came home from university for the easter holidays and the duality of home you wrote about really touched my heart: one one hand loving the feel of /my own/ bed (which is silly because my bed at my studio is also my own bed, but somehow here it feels different) and on the other hand having to study at the desk i shed so many frustrated angsty teenager tears. I feel like i fall back into the old patterns here, a tension between my mom and i, who is going to snap first? And even though the last few years as i left my home, i grew so much as a person, every time i come back here, i'm a little girl again.

Your letter really comforted me while i was picking myself up again after that fight. You gave me hope that one day, we may actually talk to each other, she may understand me, i may understand her. One day our relationship will have healed imperfectly and i'm looking forward to that time.

Thank you lots xx

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I read this at just the right moment in my life. I said to my therapist last week: "I feel like I am regressing, and it's frustrating to have the self-awareness while not being able to stop it from happening." Your meditation on how healing is imperfect is such a beautiful reminder to accept that cycles are cycles for a reason, and sometimes we're at the top of the wheel and sometimes we're at the bottom, but that as long as we continue to try to act in alignment with our values, we will keep moving. also this is the third recommendation I've gotten this week for "everything everywhere all at once" so I *really* need to go see the movie now.

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I had to copy & paste so many quotes from this in my journaling session today bc I'm going thru the same thing with my dad. I cannot explain in words how helpful it is to have my thoughts relate so closely to something that is tangible to read and felt by someone else in the same city. Thank you so much for taking the time & space to share your experience with us Mimi!!!! U are an angel forever n always

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so resonant and so beautiful; thank you for sharing 💚💚💚 deeply received

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This is so beautiful in its honesty and vulnerability. You wrote things that I've felt in a way that I hadn't before articulated and given me some things to unpack about my past and inner child work. I am so grateful, thank you.

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i can't describe how deeply this resonated with me. i am so incredibly grateful for you and your writing <3

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