Thank you. Bookmarking this post, as I imagine I will want to come back to it often

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This was so beautifully put, feeling so seen on so many levels. Thank you for sharing your experience with this vulnerable and insightful feeling <3 this is what the world needs! xo

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This is so beautifully written and helpful ❤️

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I am so happy to find this. I have just read polysecure, and feeling incredibly lonely this week. I can relate a lot & excited for this playlist.

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"As much as I speak about my frustrations of social media, I also know that I can be co-dependent on the short bursts of attention it provides. Because of this, I have forgotten how to see even myself, and I rely on people to applaud a theatrical version of me. I become more spiritually lonely." -THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I FEEL TOO. Thank you thank you. I love the way you write.The way you make me want to type.

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