Yeah as a visual artist I’ve noticed the high of a genuine compliment, however sweet, is sooo fleeting and that’s definitely tied to our (exponential need of) instant gratification… I try to remind myself, I’ve already succeeded. My art has touched one heart. It’s given one person besides me joy. That’s enough… yet it’s given so many people joy? Which is hard to believe but that’s what people tell me. And that’s abundance, and true for you too. We’re overflowing. Loved this entry, so true and relatable all of it.

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thank you for candidly sharing about your process and journey, your vulnerability is a gift.

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Thank you for your honesty.

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this is so beautiful Mimi, and something that I wish we would all talk about, because it is exhausting and lonely. I know that I attach my self worth to my creative output, and at the moment it feels like its not enough, and I can feel the ground beneath me starting to tremble in fear. your words have touched me, thankyou.

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I so appreciate this share and am currently in contemplation around similar stuff:

identity attached to creation; creation influenced by capitalism; embracing the here and now..leaning into simplicity. Thank you 🩵🩵 big hugs

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i fluctuate between being a-ok with the one person who said my work helped lift them from a depression, and then feeling/aching/longing for my work to reach more folks. it's easy for this longing to point me in the direction of "more more more"! and i appreciate your reflections on re-centering on the WHY. Thank you, always for your insights

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when i'm doubting myself in times like this, i try to remind myself of my original intentions with the project:

- why was i doing this (for myself)?

- what did i want this to mean for other people?

success isn't measured by the dollars, or the reviews – it's by whether your creation aligns with the intentions you set.

thank you for your vulnerability. ❤️

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Thank you for your vulnerability Mimi. Thank you for writing this. 🫶🏾

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Beautiful, and I relate fully. Thank you sm for sharing!

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“what if i want to learn how to be a person instead of a writer?” - so powerful, thank you for sharing. I had the same thought some years ago!

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